C8051F97x Low-Power Capacitive Sensing MCUs

The C8051F97x MCU family combines our proven low power technology for the longest battery life of any microcontroller (MCU) in its class with the industry’s highest performance and lowest power capacitive sensing solution to address the rapidly-growing human interface application market.

The C8051F97x expands the capabilities of the popular C8051F99x low power capacitive sense family with up to 43 capacitive sensing inputs, 32 kB flash, 8 kB RAM, 7 DMA channels and a 16x16 MAC in packages as small as 4 mm x 4 mm. Both families offer the industry’s leading capacitive sensing with sub micro-amp (<1 µA) wake on touch average current and unmatched 100:1 dynamic range to support buttons, sliders, touch pads, and capacitive proximity sensing.

Sleep current as low as
Active current as low as

C8051F97x Common Specs

  • High-speed pipelined 8051-compatible microcontroller core (up to 25 MIPS)
  • Industry’s lowest active and sleep currents
  • 200 µA/MHz active mode
  • 55 nA sleep mode with brown-out protection
  • 280 nA sleep mode with internal oscillator
  • 43 input charge timing capacitance to digital converter
  • 12-bit 75 ksps single-ended ADC
  • Precision calibrated 24.5 MHz internal oscillator
  • SmaRTClock oscillator
  • Up to 32 kB of on-chip Flash memory
  • Up to 8 kB of on-chip RAM
  • Implemented, SMBus I2C, UART, SPI, and High-Speed I2C Slave serial interfaces
  • Four general-purpose 16-bit timers
  • Programmable Counter/Timer Array (PCA)
  • On-chip internal voltage reference
  • On-chip watchdog timer
  • On-chip power-on reset and supply monitor
  • Up to 43 general purpose I/O
  • In-system, full-speed, non-intrusive debug interface (on-chip)
  • One-cycle 16 x 16 Multiply and Accumulate module
  • 7 channel Direct Memory Access (DMA) module


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Part Number MCU Core MHz Flash (kB) RAM (kB) Dig I/O Pins 5 Volt Tolerant ADC 1 USB Temp Sensor Timers (16-bit) PCA Channels ADC 2 DAC Comparators UART SPI I2C HS I2C Slave I2S EMIF CAN LIN AES AEC-Q100 Vdd (min) Vdd (max) Package Type Package Size (mm) Internal Osc. VREF Debug Interface Other

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