Supply Chain Responsibility

Our 2023 Corporate Sustainability Report outlines our approach, goals, and progress toward a responsible and sustainable supply chain.

We partner with world-class suppliers to manage products from development to customer delivery. We ensure our supply chain's global manufacturing processes are environmentally and socially responsible, including safe and respectful working conditions. We demand high standards of business integrity, environmental responsibility, and respect for human rights from all partners.

Supplier Code of Conduct

To ensure our relationships with suppliers meet and support these expectations, we require our suppliers to maintain ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certification (or be on the path to certification) and acknowledge and abide by our Supplier Code of Conduct, modeled by the Responsible Business Alliance® (RBA) Code of Conduct.

As a member of the RBA, Silicon Labs fully supports its vision and goals:

Vision - A coalition of companies driving sustainable value for workers, the environment and business throughout the global supply chain.

Mission - Members, suppliers, and stakeholders collaborate to improve working and environmental conditions and business performance through leading standards and practices.

Silicon Labs commits to comply to the RBA Code of Conduct in its own operations, progressively implementing the RBA approach and tools in the spirit of the industry’s common goals. In addition, we also require all suppliers to follow the RBA Code of Conduct standards and monitor its application to the best of our ability.  We work proactively with our suppliers to complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) designed to help identify social, environmental and ethical risks, and the Validated Assessment Program (VAP), the leading standard for onsite compliance verification and effective, shareable audits.

In 2022, Silicon Labs joined the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), the world’s largest industry coalition dedicated to corporate social responsibility in global supply chains. Over 500 companies with manufacturing across 120 countries have joined the RBA working together to improve efficiency and social, ethical, and environmental responsibility in the global supply chain.

Goals & Progress

Supply Chain Goals

100% of major suppliers complete facilities SAQ by 2023.

80% of all suppliers complete facilities SAQ by 2023.

80% of high-risk major suppliers complete a VAP – with a goal of silver recognition by 2025.

Current Progress

Of major suppliers completed facilities SAQ in 2023.

Of all suppliers completed facilities SAQ in 2023.

Of major suppliers completed VAP in 2023. All receiving silver recognition.

Environmental Management

Our quality and environmental teams are responsible for assuring the compliance of our products to environmental requirements and have direct contact with our suppliers. Product compliance and use of hazardous substances are continually addressed with Silicon Labs quality and environmental management systems extended to our suppliers through Silicon Labs Hazardous Substances Specification and ROHS/REACH requirements. All products supplied must comply with RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive) and all suppliers provide a DoC (Declaration of Conformance), verifiable on request by Silicon Labs.

Conflict Minerals

Silicon Labs requires all suppliers to source from third-party audited Conflict-Free smelters, maintain a conflict-free sourcing policy, and comply with our internal policy based on the OECD due diligence guidelines, according to our Conflict Minerals Policy. Our suppliers must also comply with our internal substance management and reporting requirements, which include submitting CMRT (Conflict Minerals Report Template) at least annually and upon request.

Human Rights

Silicon Labs Global Human Rights Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct help to protect and advance human rights throughout our global supply chain. We stand ready to address any concerns regarding our commitment to oppose slavery, human trafficking, and forced labor. All stakeholders are encouraged to report any concerns through our EthicsPoint Hotline or the Global Human Trafficking hotline at 1-844-888-FREE and

ESG and Sustainability Across Our Value Chains

We have mapped our ESG programs and initiatives to the primary activities of our life cycle operations.


Silicon Labs engineers design the circuitry for the finished products sold as well as the finished packaged chips. All materials used meet industry standards and regulatory requirements.

Silicon Manufacturing

Silicon Labs designs are manufactured on a silicon wafer. A typical wafer is made from pure silicon that is formed into cylindrical ingots. Each wafer undergoes multiple steps in the fabrication process to produce a Silicon Labs-designed “die.” The working die from the silicon wafer is cut or “diced” and sent to be assembled into a chip.

Assembly and Testing

In the assembly process, each die is bonded to a metal connector so it can function with other devices on a printed circuit board. The die is then encapsulated into a protective package to dissipate heat and protect it from other elements. Once fully assembled, 100% of the chips are tested for functionality.

Product Shipping

Qualified chips are packaged for shipping to our customers. Silicon Labs works with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) that integrate our technology into their branded devices. Silicon Labs’ chips can be found in a variety of products consumers interact with every day.

End Product Manufacturing

Silicon Labs’ technology powers millions of intelligent devices made by our customers.

Customer Use

Silicon Labs solutions enable people everywhere to realize the full potential of their favorite devices and applications to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Product End of Use

Proper reuse, recycling and disposal of electronic products are important in protecting the environment and moving toward a more circular economy. By engineering our products for longer life, and in some cases making them backward compatible with our customers’ existing systems, we can help make better use of our planet’s limited natural resources.

Policies and Documenation

Silicon Labs' Policy on Artificial intelligence

Silicon Labs develops leading IoT platforms across a wide range of protocols and ecosystems to facilitate quick creation of secure, intelligent connected devices. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has great potential to enhance our development of these IoT platforms, to increase product quality and reliability, and to improve customer and developer experience. We are committed to the ethical and responsible application of AI tools. We've formed a cross-functional AI Council to investigate the use of AI tools, provide guidance in the applications of AI tools, and review and approve AI initiatives. 

Our Memberships & Recognitions

American Red Cross Logo
EPA Green Power Partner
Great Places to Work Logo
Responsible Business Alliance Logo
Newsweek Logo
GSA Logo
Workplace for Commuters
Newsweek Greenest Companies Logo
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