Developer Services

Dedicated engineering expertise to help customers shorten design time and get to market faster

Part of Silicon Labs’ mission is to make it easier for developers to solve complex wireless challenges. This is where our Developer Services team can help. With extensive engineering expertise and more than 200 customer-specific applications completed, we can bring the broad Silicon Labs’ wireless portfolio to bear on your projects – no matter how complex. 

Why Use Developer Services?

If wireless design were easy,it wouldn’t be any fun. Nobody has all the answers all the time, and for those instances where our customers need an extra pair of hands or specific technical skills to realize their vision, we can address these short-term obstacles by offering access to more than 50 highly skilled engineers with in-depth embedded design expertise. 

Shorten Development Time

Working with experienced architects and project managers, we can help you go from concept to delivery while
approaching every aspect of your project with the same quality and care as if it were developed in house.


Regional Focus

We can help wherever you are.Developer Services operates globally, and the flexibility of the team allows for us to deliver customized services that include application development, hardware development, testing services, or reference designs.

 Design Partners

Silicon Labs has an extensive
network of design partners that can also service customers, including assistance
where they would traditionally outsource projects such as RF design, RF
optimization, and network testing.


Rethinking Epilepsy Management

Pediatric epileptologist, Dr. Dave Clarke, utilized Silicon Labs’ Developer Services to create a user-friendly, reliable, and highly accurate early warning system to manage pediatric epilepsy. Learn about the unique challenged he and his team faced and how their pioneering approach to portable medical devices is bringing peace of mind to parents and caregivers.

Silicon Labs is the only Tier 1 wireless IoT provider that offers Developer Services for next-level customer support. This compliments our standard FAE and Applications support. 

Ready to Get Started?

If you're interested in learning more about our Developer Services, start here.

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