Video Material

BLE-157: Learn How Security Encryption is Handled by HW & SW (Lab 1)

This material is 2 of 4 in the Bluetooth 189 - Workshop (SSv5): Learn How Security Encryption is Handled by HW & SW.

This Bluetooth workshop provides hands-on training and teaches users how to secure your IoT project with software and hardware security features. The project uses Simplicity Studio v5 and the Thunderboard BG22. In this training, you will take a look at unencrypted messages and secure BLE connections with Network Analyzer. Then, the lab also includes hands on experience working with the security features by creating a Bluetooth beacon application that uses the PSA Crypto API to encrypt custom advertisement data..


This video covers the 2nd part of the BG22 workshop focused on adding a Standard Bluetooth Service to a project.  The lab procedure is completed step-by-step so viewers can understand the steps outlined in the lab.  The lab uses Simplicity Studio® 5 (SSv5)'s Network Analyzer tool captures a trace of wireless network activity.


BG22 Workshop Pre-work

BG22 Getting Started Workshop (Complete Lab 1)

Lab Procedure:

Security Handling in Hardware and Software

Hardware Required:

Thunderboard Kit EFR32BG22

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