Video Material

BLE-163: Understand Your Bluetooth Mesh Traffic Using Network Analyzer (Lab 3)

This material is 4 of 5 in the Bluetooth 190 - Workshop (SSv5): Understand Your Bluetooth Mesh Traffic Using Network Analyzer.

This Bluetooth workshop provides hands-on training and teaches users how to trace wireless network activity and provides a comprehensive way to analyze it. The project uses Simplicity Studio v5 and the Thunderboard BG22. In this training, you will learn how to analyze Bluetooth mesh activity using the network analyzer tool in Simplicity Studio v5. The hands-on labs go through configuring the PTI interface and advanced Network Analyzer features while provisioning and analyzing a BT mesh network.


This video covers Lab 3 of the BG22 workshop focused on analyzing Bluetooth Mesh traffic using Network Analyzer.  Network Analyzer has many powerful features for Bluetooth mesh development. This exercise provides a hands on experience working with those.



BG22 Workshop Pre-work

BG22 Getting Started Workshop (Complete Lab 1)

Lab Procedure:

Using Network Analyzer for Bluetooth Mesh Traffic

Hardware Required:

Thunderboard Kit EFR32BG22

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