Video Material

BLE-133: Lab 3 - Security and Secure OTA

This material is 6 of 6 in the Bluetooth 182 - Workshop (SSv5): Develop a Secure IoT Device on a BG22 Thunderboard Kit.

This Bluetooth workshop provides hands-on training and teaches users how to develop and deploy ultra-low-power, secure Bluetooth connectivity with the BG22 with Simplicity Studio v5.


The hands-on lab on the final day allows the users to apply the Secure Boot with Root of Trust concepts into a project example. The lab has the user generate private and public keys that allow the BG22 to authenticate the only updates from the trusted developer are loaded to their Thunderboard device. The end of the lab shows how the user can use Over the Air updates using signed firmware updates.


BG22 Workshop Pre-work

Lab Guide: Secure OTA

Hardware Required:

Thunderboard Kit EFR32BG22

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