Video Material

BLE-153: How to Add a Standard Bluetooth Service to Your Project (Part 2 - Lab)

This material is 2 of 4 in the Bluetooth 188 - Workshop (SSv5): How to Add a Standard Bluetooth Service to Your Project.

This Bluetooth workshop provides hands-on training and teaches users how to add a standard Bluetooth service to an IoT project. The project uses Simplicity Studio v5 and the Thunderboard BG22. This training shows how a Standard Bluetooth service communicates data in a known format to mobile apps so any device can decode the information.


This video covers the 2nd part of the BG22 workshop focused on adding a Standard Bluetooth Service to a project.  The lab procedure is completed step-by-stepso viewers can understand the steps outlined in the lab.  The lab adds the Environmental Sensing service and uses the Humidity and Temperature values read from the RHT Sensor on the BG22 Thunderboard.

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