Video Material

BLE-152: How to Add a Standard Bluetooth Service to Your Project (Part 1 - Overview)

This material is 1 of 4 in the Bluetooth 188 - Workshop (SSv5): How to Add a Standard Bluetooth Service to Your Project.

This Bluetooth workshop provides hands-on training and teaches users how to add a standard Bluetooth service to an IoT project. The project uses Simplicity Studio v5 and the Thunderboard BG22. This training shows how a Standard Bluetooth service communicates data in a known format to mobile apps so any device can decode the information.


This video covers is the 1st of 4 sections from the BG22 workshop focused on adding a Standard Bluetooth Service to a project.  The purpose of the workshop is introduced through slides covering the main concepts and requirements for the viewer to understand.  The workshop uses a lab to teach viewers how to add the Environmental Sensing service and uses the Humidity and Temperature values read from the RHT Sensor on a BG22 Thunderboard.

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