Video Material

SSD-101: Project Configurator and Gecko Platform Hands-On Lab

This material is 2 of 2 in the Simplicity Studio 180 - Simplicity Studio v5 - Project Configurator and Gecko Platform.

Get an overview of Simplicity Studio v5 and its features. Learn how to configure your projects in Simplicity Studio v5 with ease.


Get a hands-on walkthrough of using the Gecko platform and Project Configurator to accomplish the following examples:

  1. Bare metal development: one software component + CLI
  2. Bare meta development: one software component + CLI + one peripheral example
  3. RTOS Development: one software component + CLI + one peripheral example + FreeRTOS
  4. RTOS/Bluetooth: one software component + CLI + one peripheral example + FreeRTOS + Bluetooth

Knowledge Level




Lab Procedures

Hardware Required:

Software Required:

  • Simplicity Studio v5
  • Gecko SDK v3.1.0 or later
    • Support for Bluetooth, Platform, MCU, RTOS installed


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