MSRP $44.00

EFR32ZG14 Z-Wave Long Range Radio Board

The SLWRB4206A wireless radio board plugs into the Main Development Board of the Z-Wave 700 Development Kit. This radio board also supports Z-Wave Long Range. Used in conjunction with the software stack, distributed with Simplicity Studio, developers will have all the tools they need to start developing their project.

This radio board cannot be used stand-alone and requires a wireless mainboard which can be purchased separately.

MSRP $44.00

SLWRB4206A Radio Board Select Columns
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Included Device Flash RAM Z-Wave Z-Wave Long Range
256 32

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Kit Contents: 

  • BRD4206A EFR32ZG14 Z-Wave Long Range Radio Board

Radio Board Features:

  • EFR32 Wireless Gecko Wireless SoC with256 kB Flash, 32 kB RAM. (EFR32ZG14P231F256GM32)
  • SMA antenna connector (863-925 MHz)
  • Optional PCB antenna
Compatible Kit
Kit Description
The wireless mainboard contains sensors and peripherals for easy demonstration of Silicon Labs wireless products. This provides the necessary tools for developing high-volume, battery-powered IoT products.

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