Thread Networking Solutions

Thread solves the challenges of IP connectivity from the edge to the cloud, by leveraging self-healing mesh features, native IPv6 based connectivity and state of the art security with a multitude of application-layer choices for connected devices. As a founding board member of the Thread Group, we help accelerate time-to-market with proven mesh networking hardware and certified software solutions using the popular OpenThread open-source implementation.

Developing for Matter over Thread?

In today’s feature packed IoT devices, wireless coexistence is necessary. It’s also exceedingly complex. Our Thread portfolio features industry leading modules and SoCs as well as software solutions, including Matter, to provide a system-level approach to application development.

Matter drives the convergence between the major IoT ecosystems to create one easy, reliable, and secure wireless protocol to connect all IoT devices and networks. Learn more about developing for Matter over Thread.

Mesh Networking System-on-Chip (SoC)​ and Modules Select Columns
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Thread Certified Frequency Bands (MHz) Flash (kB) RAM (kB) Output Power Range (dBm) RX Sensitivity (dBm) TX Current (mA) 0 dBm RX Current (mA) Security GPIO MCU Core
EFR32MG24 Series 2 SoCs
Zigbee and Thread EFR32MG24 SoCs (Series 2)
2.4 GHz 1024, 1536 128, 192, 256 -20 10,19.5 -105.4 (802.15.4) 5.0 5.1 AES-128 AES-256 ECC SHA-1 SHA-2 Secure Enclave 26, 28, 32 ARM Cortex-M33
EFR32MG24 Series 2 Modules
MGM240 Modules (Series 2)
2.4 GHz 1536 192, 256 -33.7,-29.1,-24,-23.8 10,19.9 -106 (802.15.4) 4.8 5.2, 5.9, 7.7 AES-128 AES-256 ECC SHA-1 SHA-2 12, 26, 32 ARM Cortex-M33
EFR32MG21 Series 2 SoCs
Zigbee and Thread EFR32MG21 SoCs (Series 2)
2.4 GHz 512, 768, 1024 64, 96 -20 10,10.5,20 -104.3 (250 kbps O-QPSK DSSS) 9.9 9.4 AES-128 AES-256 ECC SHA-1 SHA-2 20 ARM Cortex-M33
EFR32MG21 Series 2 Modules
MGM210 Modules (Series 2)
2.4 GHz 1024 96 -20 10,12.5,20 -104 (802.15.4) 16.1 9.4 AES-128 AES-256 ECC SHA-1 SHA-2 20 ARM Cortex-M33
EFR32MG12 Series 1 SoCs
Zigbee and Thread EFR32MG12 SoCs (Series 1)
2.4 GHz Sub-GHz 1024 128, 256 -30 10,19 -102.7 (250 kbps O-QPSK DSSS), -120.6 dBm (2.4 kbps 2 GFSK 868 MHz) 8.5, 9.5 8.4, 11 AES-128 AES-256 ECC SHA-1 SHA-2 31, 46, 65 ARM Cortex-M4
EFR32MG12 Series 1 Modules
Zigbee and Thread EFR32MG12 Based Modules (Series 1)
2.4 GHz Sub-GHz 1024 256 -30 10,17 -102 10 10.3 AES-128 AES-256 ECC SHA-1 SHA-2 25 ARM Cortex-M4
EFR32MG13 Series 1 SoCs
Zigbee and Thread EFR32MG13 SoCs (Series 1)
2.4 GHz Sub-GHz 512 64 -30 10,19 -102.7 (250 kbps O-QPSK DSSS) 8.5 10.3 AES-128 AES-256 ECC SHA-1 SHA-2 16, 31 ARM Cortex-M4
EFR32MG13 Series 1 Modules
Zigbee and Thread EFR32MG13 Based Modules (Series 1)
512 64 -30 10,19 -102.1 8.5 11 AES-128 AES-256 ECC SHA-1 SHA-2 25 ARM Cortex-M4

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Thread Kits and Boards

Pro Kits (2) Modular kits for software development and feature evaluation of IoT devices
XG24-PK6009A EFR32xG24 Pro Kit +10 dBm MSRP $179.00
XG24-PK6010A EFR32xG24 Pro Kit +20 dBm MSRP $179.00
Starter Kits (3) Modular kits for software development and feature evaluation of IoT devices
SLWSTK6006A EFR32xG21 Wireless Gecko Starter Kit MSRP $479.00
SLWSTK6023A EFR32xG21 Bluetooth Starter Kit MSRP $99.00
SLWSTK6102A xGM210P Wireless Module Starter Kit MSRP $320.00
Development Kits (1) Full-featured application development kits
XG24-DK2601B EFR32xG24 Dev Kit MSRP $79.00
Radio Boards (13) Wireless starter kit plug-in boards featuring specific SoC or module wireless devices
SLWRB4180B EFR32xG21A Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio Board MSRP $49.00
SLWRB4181B EFR32xG21A Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio Board MSRP $49.00
SLWRB4181C EFR32xG21B Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio Board with Secure Vault MSRP $49.00
SLWRB4308C xGM210PB Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio Board with Secure Vault MSRP $49.00
SLWRB4308D xGM210PB Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio Board with Secure Vault MSRP $49.00
SLWRB4309B xGM210L Wireless Gecko 2.4 GHz +12.5 dBm Radio Board MSRP $49.00
XG24-RB4186C EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio Board MSRP $39.00
XG24-RB4187C EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio Board MSRP $39.00
XG24-RB4188A EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Antenna Diversity Radio Board MSRP $49.00
XGM240-RB4316A xGM240P +10 dBm Module Radio Board MSRP $49.00
XGM240-RB4317A xGM240P +20 dBm Module Radio Board MSRP $49.00

Thread Software Development

Silicon Labs Thread software includes industry-leading software stacks and development tools for Thread applications. In conjunction with modules, SoCs and reference designs for Thread from Silicon Labs, developers can use software and tools from Silicon Labs to quickly and reliably:

  • Develop multi-node mesh networks
  • Monitor and debug multiple nodes simultaneously
  • Visually analyze system performance

  Silicon Labs is a founding board member of the Thread Group with numerous successful customer deployments of mesh networking solutions based on 802.15.4 and Zigbee. Registered customers of the kits can access the Thread SDK and development tools through Simplicity Studio

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Secure, smart home solutions for Thread

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Smart Sensors

What is Thread?

Silicon Labs is the vendor of choice for OEMs developing Thread networking into their products. The Silicon Labs 802.15.4 platform is the most integrated, complete and feature rich solution available for Thread — a family of Wireless SoCs, based on Arm® Cortex® processor and 2.4 GHz transceiver, together the most reliable, scalable and advanced software and supported by best-in-class development tools.

Thread is an IPv6-based mesh networking protocol designed as a reliable, low-power, secure and scalable networking solution for connecting Things to the IoT. As a founding board member of the Thread Group, Silicon Labs helps accelerate time to market with proven mesh networking hardware and software solutions.

Learn more about Thread with these training assets

Works With On-Demand 2024

Where Innovation Meets Implementation

2024 marks the 5th year of Works With, our industry-defining technical IoT developer conference. One of the defining characteristics of this event is the collection of industry experts, business leaders, and the minds driving the future of our industry. The full 2024 Works With Virtual agenda is now available on-demand.

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